Aberforth UK Small Companies Fund
The Fund’s accounting reference date is 31 December. The annual income distribution and allocation date is 28 February each year. An interim distribution and allocation of income is made on 31 August each year and is in respect of the interim accounting period ending on 30 June.
Holders of accumulation units have all their net income automatically added back into the Fund at the end of each annual and interim accounting period. No additional units are issued as the value of the accumulated income is reflected in the unit price.
Holders of income units receive a cash distribution. A tax voucher is issued on the allocation date in respect of each cash distribution (income units) and/or each deemed income distribution (accumulation units).
To enable us to make distribution payments by electronic transfer, we require unitholders to submit their full bank account details. The best way to do this is to download and complete the Bank Account Notification Form which is available from our Literature Library.
Investors may be subject to tax on their distributions.
Income History
Whilst the fund was launched on 20 March 1991, Income Units have been available from 1 January 2008.
Payment History
Dividend history since inception
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