The information below denotes risks associated with our products, however it will not disclose all risks. You should not invest in or deal in any financial product unless you understand its nature and the extent of your exposure to risk. You should also be satisfied that it is suitable for you in the light of your circumstances and financial position. Different investment products have varied levels of exposure to risks and to different combinations of risks.
1. Past performance is not a guide to future performance, nor a reliable indicator of future results or performance.
2. Investments in shares of smaller companies are generally considered to carry a higher degree of risk as the market for their shares is often less liquid than that for shares of larger companies, making shares of smaller companies more difficult to buy and sell. Smaller companies can also be expected, in comparison to larger companies, to have less mature businesses, a more restricted depth of management and a higher risk profile.
3. The performance of shares of smaller companies may be more volatile than the shares of larger companies over short time periods; therefore investors should regard such investments as long term.
4. The value of investments, and the income or capital entitlement which may derive from them, if any, may go down as well as up and is not guaranteed; therefore investors may not get back the amount originally invested.
5. Unless the performance of an investment meets or exceeds the rate of inflation, the real value of that investment will reduce.
6. Changes in economic or political conditions or other factors can substantially and potentially adversely affect the value of investments and, accordingly, the performance and prospects of the investment trusts, unit trusts and other funds managed by Aberforth Partners LLP or Aberforth Unit Trust Managers Limited (the "Funds").
7. The market price of securities issued by a Fund may fluctuate significantly and investors may not be able to sell their securities at or above the price at which they acquired them. Securities markets have in the past experienced extreme volatility that has often been unrelated to the operating performance of particular companies. Any broad market fluctuations may adversely affect the market price of the securities issued by a Fund.
8. There can be no guarantee that the investment objective of a Fund will be achieved or provide the returns sought by the Fund.
9. An investment trust is a public limited company, the shares of which are traded on the main market of the London Stock Exchange. Investment trusts are not authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority.
10. An investment trust is a closed-ended company and its shareholders will have no right to have their shares redeemed or repurchased by the company at any time. Accordingly, the ability of shareholders to realise any value in respect of their shares will be dependent on the existence of a liquid market in the shares and the market price of the shares. The shares may trade at a discount to their net asset value.
11. An investment trust may only pay dividends to the extent that it has distributable profits available for that purpose. A reduction in the income from an investment trust's portfolio could adversely affect the yield, if any, on its shares.
12. Investment trusts may borrow money in order to make further investments. This is known as "gearing". The effect of gearing can enhance returns to shareholders in rising markets but will have the opposite effect on returns in falling markets.
13. The Ordinary Shares of Aberforth Geared Value & Income Trust plc are geared by the Zero Dividend Preference Shares of the company and rank for repayment of capital after the Zero Dividend Preference Shares and any creditors of the company. A positive net asset value for those Ordinary Shares will be dependent upon the company's assets being sufficient to meet the prior capital entitlements of the holders of the Zero Dividend Preference Shares. The Ordinary Shares should therefore be regarded as carrying above average risk. The Zero Dividend Preference Shares are not a protected or guaranteed investment. In particular, should the company be wound up prior to its planned winding up date, holders of Zero Dividend Preference Shares would only receive their accrued capital entitlement to the date of winding up which would be less than the final anticipated capital entitlement of those shares.
14. The dealing spread of Aberforth UK Small Companies Fund, which represents the difference between the buying and selling prices, will have an impact on the realisable value of any investment made in this Fund, particularly in the short term. To mitigate the impact of capital erosion, investors should regard investments in this Fund as long term.
15. Tax legislation and the levels of relief from taxation can change at any time. Any change in the tax status of a Fund or in tax legislation could affect the value of the investments held by the Fund or its ability to provide returns to its investors. The tax treatment of an investment, and any dividends received, will depend on the individual circumstances of the investor and may be subject to change in the future. If investors are in any doubt as to their tax position, they should consult their professional adviser.
16. An investment in a Fund is only suitable for investors who are capable of evaluating the merits and risks of such an investment and who have sufficient resources to be able to bear any losses which may arise from such an investment (which may be equal to the whole amount invested). Such an investment should be regarded as long term in nature and complementary to existing investments in a range of other financial assets and should not form a major part of an investment portfolio.
Note: Neither Aberforth Partners LLP nor Aberforth Unit Trust Managers Limited provide retail investors with investment advice.
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