About Aberforth

Stewardship & ESG

Our Stewardship policy, Engagement and Voting framework and examples, PRI Assessment Reports, and Voting Disclosure documents

Our Philosophy

Our detailed Stewardship Policy, which sets out Aberforth's compliance with the UK Stewardship Code, is available to download as a document in the section below.

This document reflects Aberforth’s approach to stewardship and should be considered together with the following documents:

About Aberforth

Investment Philosophy

ESG Integration Framework

Engagement and Voting Framework

Examples of Engagement and Voting

The latest summary of proxy votes cast is available on the Voting Disclosure section below.

Please Contact Us if you have any Stewardship or ESG queries.

External Assessments

UK Stewardship Code 2020

Aberforth Partners has been a signatory of the Financial Reporting Council’s UK Stewardship Code 2020 since its inception in 2021.

PRI Assessment Report

Aberforth has been a PRI (Principles for Responsible Investment) signatory since 2016 and our latest Assessment Report and Transparency Report are available to download from the Literature Library.

These reports are compiled by the United Nations-backed PRI on an annual basis to assess the sustainability credentials of firms in the investment industry, in order to promote its key objectives. It has six core principles, led by a commitment to incorporate environmental, social and governance (ESG) factors in the investment process and the use of active ownership to drive change.

For 2021 the reporting framework and assessment methodology was changed in order to better reflect the state of the responsible investment market as well as future advancements. The PRI does not provide an overall score for organisations.

If you have any queries regarding our Assessment Report, please Contact Us.

More information about the PRI can be found on their website at

Voting Disclosure

Below you will find information on our voting activity.

We disclose our voting record for the previous 12 months on a quarterly basis and the latest update covers votes to 30 September 2024.

We publish our voting records in this way to be open and accountable to our clients and to meet industry best-practice standards.

Our policy is to vote on every resolution put to shareholders of our investee companies.

Aberforth investee company voting activity
Voting 12 Months to 30 September 2024
Shareholder meetings at which our clients' shares were voted 104
Shareholder meetings at which our clients' shares were voted against or abstained (1) 14
Number of resolutions voted 1,623
Number of resolutions voted against 8
Number of resolutions abstained 15

Notes: (1) One or more resolutions

Governance and Corporate Responsibility

The document below provides details of Aberforth Partners’ approach to governance and corporate responsibility.

Please Contact Us if you have any related queries.